July/August Newsletter 2023

Summer of Love!

Our Relationships

We hope this newsletter finds you in good health and high spirits. We are thrilled to share the exciting work our non-profit organization has accomplished from March 2023 until July 2023. Thanks to your unwavering support, we have significantly impacted the lives of many needy communities.

#FeedingFamiliesinNyariga 🍲

One of the highlights of our recent efforts was our successful initiative in the village of Nyariga, located in Northern Ghana. Through your generous contributions, we provided nourishing meals to numerous families, helping to alleviate hunger and improve their overall well-being. Your kindness and support have brought smiles to the faces of those in need, and we couldn’t have done it without you! #GratefulForSupport

#ArtisanPartnerships 🤝

We expanded our reach and impact during this period by establishing new artisan partnerships in Togo and Sierra Leone. By collaborating with local artisans, we have promoted their craftsmanship while creating sustainable economic opportunities for their communities. Your belief in our mission has enabled us to foster cultural exchange and support the talents of these incredible artisans. #EmpoweringArtisans

Sierra Leone June 2023

Togo June 2023

#ColoradoArtsFestival #WinterParkJazzFestival 🎨🎷

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the attendees and organizers of the Colorado Arts Festival and Winter Park Jazz Festival. Your continued patronage and support have been instrumental in making our work possible. Your contributions have directly funded our projects and initiatives, making a lasting impact on the lives of countless individuals. Together, we are creating a brighter future for those in need.



We extend our most profound appreciation to our generous donors who support us throughout the year. Your ongoing commitment to our cause enables us to tackle challenges and implement transformative projects. Your kindness and dedication are the pillars that keep our organization moving forward. #GratefulDonors

Upcoming Events 🎶

As we look forward to the coming months, we are thrilled to announce our participation in the Monterey Jazz Festival in September 2023. This esteemed event will provide a platform to showcase the incredible talent of musicians but will also raise awareness and funds for our initiatives. We hope to see many of you there, joining us in celebration and solidarity.


As we move forward, we remain committed to making a positive difference in the lives of those less fortunate. Your support has driven our accomplishments, and we are deeply thankful for your continued involvement.

Please sign up for our newsletters and social media platforms to connect and engage with us.