Purpose Global Village Plans for Partnership Expansion Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

 COVID-19 has shut the world down and caused us to pause and social distance ourselves. To many it’s brought about a panic across the globe to stockpile and hoard goods in some cases.Here at  PGV we are busy connecting and planning with our team members even though the world is at a stand still. We are in close communication with our partnerships abroad and using this time to rethink how we will meet the needs of the children and families that benefit from our support. Thanks to technology and wonderful platforms like Zoom & WhatsApp we are able to meet and communicate with team members across the country and world wide. 

Nyariga Primary School Ghana June 2019

Our Relationships

We are relieved to report that our partners in Ghana, in the village of Nyariga have no cases of the virus. In Uganda, Botswana, and Rwanda, no cases are reported; team members share that they are not affected by the COVID-19. Team members in the Greater Accra area, Kumasi and neighboring municipalities are in quarantine. Accra and Kumasi are busy metropolitan centers that have lots of international visitors. Bolgatanga to the northern end of the country is not on lockdown because the location is far away from the metropolitan centers of Accra and Kumasi. We are optimistic and look forward to returning to Ghana as soon as the borders open and the U.S travel ban lifts!

Future Events

Each year in June PGV holds its annual fundraiser to support children and families in the villages of many African countries. The yearly event celebrates Black Music Month. On June 7, 1979, President Jimmy Carter decreed June as Black Music Month.  Since 1979, the United States has set aside the month of June to appreciate the musical contributions of its African-American musicians, composers, singers, and songwriters. This year we have postponed our annual Concert 4 A Cause because of restrictions brought on by the current global pandemic. Stay connected and sign up for our newsletter to receive up to date and current information on events.

Motown Concert 4 A Cause June 2019

Motown Concert 4 A Cause June 2019 Photo Credit U. McCarty

Current Happenings on the Continent

President Kagame lighting the flame of Remembrance

April 7, 2020, marks the 25th anniversary of the genocide that occurred in Rwanda. April 7th is the beginning of a national period of mourning.

Our Travel

We purchased tickets to travel to Madagascar before the onset of the Coronavirus pandemic and we have plans to wait a little longer to see if travel restrictions will change in the US and in countries we are planning to visit on the continent of Africa.

Our travel plans are contingent upon the United States opening the borders and lifting travel restrictions. 

Our Future Tours

We have two future tours in the works. One is planned for December 2020 to Ghana west Africa and the other is slated for June 2021. The June 2021 Tour will include many bucket list countries on the continent so stay tuned for updates! Staff safe and God bless you!

Looking Ahead, 2020 and Beyond PGV in Africa

This is the year we expanded our partnerships throughout the global village! We have expanded from education in the K-12 setting to supporting the entrepreneurial training of women in micro-business. Purpose Global Village has joined the Rweru Women’s Empowerment Project in Rwanda. We were able to purchase sewing machines for women involved with Rweru Women’s Empowerment Project. In turn, many of the women involved in this program are learning entrepreneurial skills to create and develop their business.  Partnering with local artisans gives us an opportunity to support, grow and collaborate in the country of Rwanda.  We are thrilled for the opportunity to return to Rwanda and have a closer relationship and presence within the community, it’s been 5 years since we traveled to Rwanda, we’re really excited to return to this beautiful country.

Rweru Women’s Empowerment Project in Rwanda

Our Relationships

In January we traveled to Ghana to reconnect with our partners and plan our work for the new decade. We have learned the needs of our schools in Bolgatanga Ghana and we look forward to raising funds to provide sports equipment, textbooks, school supplies, and other educational supplies. Upcoming teacher collaboration and workshops will also take place in the coming year. It feels incredibly good to make a positive impact on the global community but the real blessing is received by PGV because we are able to see beautiful places and meet lovely people while on our journey. It’s always a marvelous adventure with memorable experiences.


Kasane, Botswana June 2019

Our Travel

By the end of the year, we will have traveled to over 15 African Countries and we really look forward to returning to the continent of Africa each year. We are passionate about traveling and sharing the beauty of Africa with our customers and clients! In January, we led a group tour to Ghana and the proceeds went to Purpose Global Village Fund! We plan on returning to Ghana in June 2020 as well as other countries, so check out my Instagram or Facebook page African Travel and More for the big reveal of where we are going next!


Welcome to the Village!

Purpose Global Village is a non-profit organization, but more than that, it is the culmination of years of love and service. Stay connected to us here to get information on what we’re doing, where we’re doing it and how you can help to get it done.

We’re building. We’re growing. We’re excited.

Bookmark our website as we offer more news, opportunities, and unique products for your edification and enjoyment.

Peace and Blessings,

Purpose Global Village